Saturday, October 20, 2012


I just saw the trailer for CLOUD ATLAS. It was  maybe three minutes long, and I had tears in my eyes when it was over. I have never had a trailer do that before. I have been reading the reviews of the movie, and they are mixed. But something about the idea we can expect emotion and experience to be  infinite, rather than the cliched hope that our bodies would last, gives me chills. It reminds me of the moment in 2005's Pride & Prejudice when Elizabeth admits to her father that she loved Mr. Darcy, that she had misjudged him, and her father, the always excellent Donald Sutherland,  just chuckles to himself at the joy of the love he senses in her. The feeling between Darcy and Elizabeth is palpable and it always gives me a chill. Same thing as what I felt watching this trailer, I guess.
 I will have to read Cloud Atlas  now.

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